Through a partnership with East Side Freedom Library, a multi-month community engagement and listening process was undertaken in 2023-24 to learn more about what issues and opportunities exist on the East Side related to personal and community wellness.  We spoke with dozens of East Siders, organizational leaders and community stakeholders in one-on-one conversations, small groups and a large group working session.  A significant literature review was also undertaken. The result was the identification of a set of resonant themes that were workshopped with a group of East Siders and developed into a set of funding strategies that addressed the emergent themes. The seven funding strategies below arose from the themes. These wellness strategies provide opportunities for the East Side to address the multiple dimensions of wellness, while creating a safer and healthier community.


  • Provide year-round, affordable outdoor family activities, especially in BIPOC communities.

  • Support efforts for residents to connect with and get to know their neighbors through regular alley or block parties.

  • Support existing or emerging programs that offer healthy food kits for families and residents.

  • Support the development and maintenance of an East Side Farmers Market.

  • Provide access to affordable health club memberships or classes.

  • Explore the development of an East Side Cultural Wellness Center. 

  • Support women moving from crisis to self-sufficiency. 

Rooted Philanthropic will be looking for East Side partners who are currently engaged in these activities or who have the capacity and ability to develop efforts aligned with one or more of these strategies.  With limited resources, we will not be able to fund every effort but will start incrementally and grow over time. 

If your work aligns with any of these strategies, please feel free to submit some information to us through our Mini Letter of Inquiry form on our Grantmaking page and our Program Officer will be in touch with you.